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Peace is the most important aspect of human existence. To achieve peace, man had to fight the extremes of life, curbing it of cruelty and ensuring that standards are maintained. With efforts made over the years it is painful to find out that some people still engage in acts that undermine peaceful co-existence.
Not only that man seeks to disrupt the peace of other people, man is also disrupting the peace of other species of life co-existing on earth. The question one might ask is; who is at the loosing end when man disrupts the peace we enjoy, be it of the peace of other lives in co-existence with man or the peace of man himself. The simple answer is man. Man is the ultimate looser.
Nature is balanced in such a way that whatever evil done to it pays off on the beneficially. This statement is open to scholastic debate. However, whichever side you find yourself be sure to help nature to help you.
As life is a function of values, I want to place my value on maintenance of equilibrium of the ecosystem. I've heard people say that what is important in life is for you to have some fun but I did find out over the years that fun does not match up with peace. Fun lasts for a while and some kinds of fun can ruin ones life. Yes it is good to catch fun but you must observe the limitations that comes with it. Permit me to point out that sex is good for our body of existence but sex can also mean death when we fail to read the nature code. You can have bottle/bottles of beer to lighten up your mood but same beer can throw you to the gutters when you fail to apply the nature code; nothing good is so good. What then is good you may ask; nothing but that that makes you live in harmony with nature - man, plants and animals.
Let's keep our mind on the subject matter:; PEACE. Why do nations go to war? Why do we kill each other? Why do we hate some people and like some people? All these have to do with the level of peace we have within us. A man who is peaceful within lives peacefully without. No man gives what he does not have.
Let's look at this: a young boy heard that his friend is without food so he decides to help his friend. He had eaten his food earlier on and there is no more food in the house except that meant for his father. 'What do I do' the young boy asked himself. He decided to nibble on the food meant for his father to help his friend. Later on the day when the father came back from work, it was noticed that some one had stolen from the kitchen. The boy in his character told the house that he took a little of the food to his hungry friend. The family held a meeting and decided that the young boy must be punished for stealing. Now the boy did some good deed but he had broken the law by stealing what is not his and so was punished.
Some people would argue that he admitted that he was the one who took the food and so should not be punished but the truth remains that he had broken the law in other to do good. This brings us to the code; nothing good is so good. Yes, nothing good is so good even when we are fighting for the good of others.
However, we can achieve specific good when we fight for the good of all concerned. Specific because we are fighting for a given course for a given people. What we are fighting for may not be in the general interest of world peace. We all know that as at today the term 'world peace' is an illusion. Peace means so many things to so many people. However this may be, Any man that has got peace in him will always try to show peace to the externals. Peace is internally beautiful and harmonious. This is why so many people live their lives chasing peace where there is no peace.
How do you find peace? Is it on the number of fast cars you have, the money you spent on erecting mansions, the beautiful women around you, the pets that share your enclosure, the cash you have, the number of people you killed to keep yourself save or on the beauty that comes with nature.
I have had reasons to believe that one of the greatest challenges facing peace today is leadership factor. Political leaders live their lives in fear. They need security all around them so their psyche is corrupt with fear. They lack that element that puts a handful of people to tranquil sleep. Most believe that there is always an enemy behind them. This is one reason we live in a world without peace. When the leader lives out his life in fear, he tries to create artificial peace. Artificial peace is good for the hunted you may say. These same leaders who are hunted by their own minds and the realities of our time, are the same people sitting round the table discussing world peace.
Let us divert our minds to the enormous resources spent on military budgets around the world. Every nations of the world are spending their dwindling resources on acquisition of military power. America spent about $700 billion on defense in 2010 while China spent about $119 billion on defense same year. Africa with her poor economic realities spent about $30.1 billion. This is enough to wipe out poverty in Sub Saharan Africa. The more money they spent, the more they find out that more money is needed to keep their territory free from their perceived enemies. It gives me concern that a good percentage of the money spent by African heads of state on their military build up are borrowed funds. I want us to think about the change peace could bring with it. Peace can only be guaranteed when we find peace in our innermost hearts.
So long as the world is filled with people without inner peace. the world will keep spending their resources on defense and related spending. The most work here is with the individual. This is so for nations are made up of individuals and these individuals are the elements of conflicts around the world. These suffice to say that without humans with bitterness and need for revenge or to create conflicts, nations will not have need to spend money on security. It is in my opinion that humans accepting first hand that peace is an individual obligation comes the answer for world peace. While I blame leaders who have the need to rule the world, I sympathies with the individual who continually give them reasons to enact and or test their powers. The first duty of a leader is to protect his people and he must think in ways of strength and power to show that he can keep a nation. The result; wastage of world economy.

What about our individual spending on personal security? Everyone will have to draw his own graph. The spending is enormous and this is one reason we must find peace now. Like I did say before now, one does not give what he does not have. Let's look inward, we need to work peace into our spiritual system. We need to visualize peace, sleep peace and wake up with peace. If only we in our homes and secret places could think of peace as an inner gift rather than a commodity to be bought with money, I believe the world will be a better place for all of us...