Wednesday, 22 February 2012

hope - Poem

The arms of the risen sun pierced through the clouds
Our lit faces rejoiced
And from the distance, some shouting voices echoed; “hope at last”
Hope at last
Hope as the ageless dark cloud over our tents starts to melt
Revealing clots of tears that time crystallized

We could see through the streets
Even men whose pains are heavy stole a smile
The homeless, kids scavenging through the bins, the amputees who had no sins but drove through the trap; the very unlucky ones are long rested in their graves,
Even the workers whose take home couldn’t take home
All glued to their radios
Votes are counted
“Hope at last”.

Hope that young Azikiwe would grant us our freedom and sustain this JEGAishness
Hope that promises will be kept
Hope that the power holders will at least light our bulbs
Hope that our school gates are not to be closed again
Hope that vultures don’t feast on our highways
Just hope.

Hope that these dry taps will be tapped for moisture
Hope that our school leavers will stand to live
Hope that our youths who went out to serve are not served to their graves
Hope that like the old Azikiwe, we don’t see the boom then the doom
Just hope.

Hope that those in whose tents we trust our tents are not the only ones celebrating their birthdays
“Hope at last”
Just hope.