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The question on my mind has always been; why is our world devoid of peace? I have been working this up my mind and reading through the pages of books, the simple answer I have always come at is that the world is built on emotions. These emotions often times make us blind to the truth or push us to act against the little voice that speaks to our inner heart. That voice that keeps telling us to live in peace. We hear this little voice in our usual and unusual calm moments yet it means nothing to over ninety percent of the world population. The anarchy of our time, the wars of our time, the violence eating up our world and even the little fights in the neighborhood are because we have fallen to emotion. We live to make some people happy even when we ought to tell them the truth.
Yes, as humans we need to show emotions but must we fall to emotions that throw us against nature. Why do we fail to call up our minds to the truth that love conquers all. Why?
This brings to mind the little old truth, 'one does not give what he does not have'. We must as a matter of urgency begin to look inward for peace. The love in our heart is nothing unless we use it to heal our world. To this end we must begin the personal training today. If we train ourselves to submit to love at all times then we can begin to harness the values of inner peace which in turn reflects as outer peace. Remember as it is within so it is without.
This peace project is a must for everybody. This project will remove violence from our streets, towns, states, nations and the world. It is not a one day project; it is a life time project. If you can do your part today and I do my part, our world will change and we shall have no reason to spend scarce resources on security.
Over the years, what has religion done to move the world towards peace? While the religious could claim to have done a lot towards this, I look at it that they have left much undone but have concentrated much energy on gaining followers at the sacrifice of peace. The religions dwell more on cult membership and he who is not a member of their cult is considered an enemy and as such a candidate for eternal damnation. This they preach day in day out. Most wars today are based on religious sentiment rather than the truth.
The truth remains that even if your preacher fails to tell you, you should always know that killing, no matter the reason is sin against God and humanity. The religious are part of the world problems today. The question you should ask yourself is; how has my religion contributed to world peace or the problems of our world. Like I have always said, 'nothing good is so good' so be guided at all times.
As we work and walk towards peace in our innermost hearts, our lives will start to reflect peace. We shall have no reason for violence but will become vessels for peaceful resolution of conflicts in our world.
Remember, if you live for peace and I live for peace, our world will be in peace. This peace project is for all of us.