Saturday, 12 October 2013

1. The Lord is my provider; I am abundantly blessed.
2. He prospers me beyond imaginations; He gives me the peace that is above all understanding.
3. He restores my soul; He guides me towards righteousness, to honour and to love Him.
4. For the truth, even if I am faced with the greatest of dangers and death: I will never be afraid; for the Lord is with me, His presence is my greatest assurance. 
5. The Lord blesses me even to the surprise of my enemies; my enemies look on with shame even as God's blessings overwhelms me and even as I attract all that I need in riches and prosperity: Lord, You've made me king; I have all that I need in excess abundance. 
6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will be in the presence of God forever.