A journey so dear to my heart
Laboring all life, creating footprints
sometime hot, sometime too cold

We keep moving
Friends and foes, those we love, some we hate
why? some don't know
We look over our shoulders
Cherished ones are gone

Tears not enough, we have to continue
each page a story; pain or glory
Bundled in boat of time.
Some cherish our pain
Blind to our struggle
Planting on our passage
thorns to expire

Little air in gauge
We struggle to continue
Meeting some good friends
and sharing with our foes
Our experience enriched
Something we refused to accept.

Truth of the books;
We share to live
Like the ants
Every hand supporting another
Blind to faults
But encouragement that enemies see the good
To encourage us in the little done
and blind to many undone.
Suddenly, we realize our fault
Blind to our fault
We see only others in fault
Just with little love
Our fault were spread
Far far away, beyond the oceans
Making our journey fair.
We continued.

A journey so dear to my heart
Laboring all life, creating footprints
sometime hot, sometime too cold
We keep moving
Friends and foes, those we love, some we hate
why? some don't know
We look over our shoulders
Cherished ones are gone

Tears not enough, we have to continue
each page a story; pain or glory
Bundled in boat of time.
Some cherish our pain
Blind to our struggle
Planting on our passage
thorns to expire
Little air in gauge
We struggle to continue
Meeting some good friends
and sharing with our foes
Our experience enriched
Something we refused to accept.
Truth of the books;
We share to live
Like the ants
Every hand supporting another
Blind to faults
But encouragement that enemies see the good
To encourage us in the little done
and blind to many undone.
Suddenly, we realize our fault
Blind to our fault
We see only others in fault
Just with little love
Our fault were spread
Far far away, beyond the oceans
Making our journey fair.
We continued.